blog/site updates art for sale and sketches info and contacts back to the home page


not (yet) fit for stores

(it's where the stuff goes that doesn't have a home)

attack of the head-arm!!!!

this here was a'ruined on account of the hand that growed outta that there head. it was inspired by the renaissance meaning of disegno--to be touched by god with an inspiration for art.



nudie ladiethis is the first sketch of an image i created a couple of years ago. i redrew her over and over, but the one painting of her i was semi-satisfied with has since suffered distruction via orange juice. so she's waiting to be used again. she's in ball point blue and black ink, but there was something seriously wrong with the scanner, and i've had to photoshop the hell out of her to get her out of the magenta-and-yellow color scheme she was scanned in.


scott is hairy!

this is scott. Webmaster Scott. with Whom i check everything before i edit this site. or at least the big stuff. because He made it all. and He can get quite cranky if i mess up the layout. but anyway, it's him. though why i drew him, i no longer remember.




leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf. in case you were unaware, this is a leaf. it was for one of my projects last fall. i found it on campus and scanned it at super dooper high res on one of the ultra-cool art building scanners. it's a beautiful image, and i'd love to make a print of it someday. when i'm rich enough to buy off those copyworks jerks. it's even desktop size (1024 x 768). so it's a present to you. i'll even give you a choice between high quality and lower quality. w00t.


< pieces for sale > <sold pieces>

all images, text, and designs copyright 2004 catherine hall